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Academics & Programs

Students will participate in special classes daily. Students will rotate through Art, Library and Technology, Music, and Physical Education. Students will also have guidance classes with our counselor on a quarterly basis. 

Additionally, Crockett strives to offer extracurricular opportunities for a variety of student interests and talents. If you are interested in an activity, please contact the front office.


Crockett students attend art, music, and library once a week and physical education twice each week. Our guidance teacher circulates among the grade levels, visiting each class four times a year.

School Sponsored Activities

Crockett strives to offer extracurricular opportunities for a variety of students' interests and talents to participate in before, during, and after the school day. 

If you would like more information about joining an activity below, please contact the office and be on the lookout for information from our activity leaders. 

As of August 30, 2024

children running
girl holding up book
children on stage dressed as insects
girls reading
boy reading